I’ve spent a long while trying to work out what’s appropriate to write about right now. I don’t want to be pushing productivity in a pandemic and there are already so many voices documenting their experiences, supporting remote working and offering creative outlets. It feels like there’s more to take in than ever. We’re processing the experience of living in a completely different way. We’re processing the news, constantly, wherever we look. We’re processing all of the content people are producing to help, whether that’s creative challenges or quarantine diaries.
I didn’t want to add to that. But I did want to make something.
So here’s a little story about a dog, inspired by Blair Braverman’s storytimes that are sometimes the distractions that get me through the day. Plus who doesn’t love a pup and a pep talk?

Well, this is gorgeous, Natalie. I adore this SO MUCH! There’s nothing quite like when a dog knows there’s something wrong, and lays beside you to keep you company.
Thank you! I’ve really wanted to try something like a comic for aaages but been too scared. You’re right there’s just something about getting comfort from a four legged friend that is just different, that’s why I’m missing my furry brother!
oh no. i’m having PMS and seeing this mini comic strip is making me feel THINGS and it’s NOT OKAY ugh i’m like nonsensically feeling emotional about this and i want to go hug my dog now but she’s an old rascal who’s grumpy when her sleep is disturbed, LOL
Thank you and I’m sorry! I hope you got a cuddle once (that very important) nap was over
I love this very much! I myself own two dogs, and this post highlighted the idea of learning a thing or two from our furry friends. They are indeed the most loyal, simple, unconditional beings in the world.
Thank you for sharing, Natalie! It’s nice to have a refreshing perspective!
This was beautiful! I so very much wish I had a dog to keep me company during these times (and well, all times really). xo