Inspired by a friend from uni (the inimitable Tucker Cholvin), this year I decided to put together a poster of my new year’s resolutions to hang above my desk to remind me to stay on track. I think the 5 aims I’ve picked for this year are doable, and things I actually enjoy, but are challenging, and if I get them done will leave me in a better position this time next year.

new year's resolutions poster 2017

This year…

I WILL run to Edinburgh

This might not seem like very far to a lot of people, but I’ve had a love hate relationship with running for a very long time – I love the idea of it but I hate doing it. But I’m giving it another go, I was pretty committed to the gym towards the end of 2015, but being in a sweaty box going nowhere has started to lose its appeal. So I’m starting from the bottom, using the NHS’s ‘Couch to 5K’ podcast and I’m hoping it will take me to being able to do 2 5k runs a week. Plus, I’m thinking if I complete the challenge I might treat myself to a weekend away in the glorious city that is Edinburgh as a little well done.

I WILL get up without hitting snooze

I’m always on a quest to be more of a morning person, but this year I’m going to keep it simple and just aim to make one (admittedly very difficult) change – not hitting snooze. I am terrible for turning off my alarm, even if I have to get out of bed to do it, and then getting back into bed. But this year that’s going to change.

I WILL read 20 novels for fun

I’ve really gotten back into reading recently, which I am so happy about. Oxford kind of dampened my drive for reading for pleasure, so I’m committing to reading 20 novels just because I can this year. At the minute The Girls by Emma Cline is on the top of my list.

I WILL take 1 picture a week

This was on my resolutions list last year and I’m really sad I didn’t do it, there are so many things that I wish I could look back on through pictures. I’m going to turn that disappointment into productivity this year. I even got some more polaroid film this year for Christmas so there are no excuses.

I WILL set up a weekly digest

A couple of years ago I sent one of my friends a picture of a dog every day for the year, and I loved doing it. I mean, I love dogs, but it also meant that I had a reason to get in touch with him every day. I kind of missed doing it this year, so I thought I would start up something similar, but a little different. I’m going to send out a weekly collection of fun things I’ve read/seen, and maybes a couple of dog pictures, to some of the people I love the most. I’m hoping it will be a mailing list they don’t want to unsubscribe from, and it doesn’t meant that I repeat myself too much in letters.

Those are my resolutions for the year, I do have some bigger more personal goals for the year, but these are the ones going up on my wall. How are your resolutions going? Do you have any tips for sticking to them?