I have done my fair few internships from art fairs, to magazines, to advertising, to design and beyond. I spent the summers of my youth trying to work out what I wanted to do next, and while I still don’t have an answer, I have learned a lot along the way about myself, about work,… View Post

In our office, as in pretty much every office in the country if not the world, you are never more than a metre away from a ballpoint pen. They are everywhere. The majority are BIC biros, but you’ve got all kinds from the fanciest ink ballpoints to the branded versions given out by clients, competitors,… View Post

Introvert comes from Latin intro-, “inward,” and vertere, “turning.” It describes a person who tends to turn inward for their inspiration and who draw more energy from being alone than being in a big group. I’m one of those people. There’s a lot of information out in the world about how tired introverts can get in big social… View Post

The hard part of creativity isn’t starting, or finding an idea, the hard part of creativity is keeping going. You have to keep going when you’re in the middle, when it’s no longer exciting, when it still doesn’t work how you want it to but that fresh shiny newness has gone. You have to keep… View Post