Following the advice of the ever wise Emily McDowell I’ve recently been trying to hone down the essence of what I want this blog to be in order to give it more direction and to help me come up with better ideas. Part of this process she suggests using involves coming up with three words… View Post

I think self-care is particularly important for people with creative jobs because so much of what we create has to come out of ourselves, and if you don’t look after yourself you won’t have anything else left to give. Plus, after my last post about some tough stuff I thought it was only right I shared… View Post

If you’ve had the misfortune of having a long conversation with me in the last year, you will almost undoubtedly have heard me talk about the new pound coin, which is why I can’t believe I haven’t written a post about it until now. It’s a small design change that is going to affect the… View Post

I wanted to put together a series of helpful practical design tips for non-designers, because, as 99 per cent invisible has taught us, everything around us is designed. Today, I’m starting off with tips for designing effective and aesthetically pleasing presentations. I’m going with powerpoints/keynotes/slides/decks/cards first because they’re the thing I see designed at work… View Post