Inspired by a friend from uni (the inimitable Tucker Cholvin), this year I decided to put together a poster of my new year’s resolutions to hang above my desk to remind me to stay on track. I think the 5 aims I’ve picked for this year are doable, and things I actually enjoy, but are… View Post

The last of my advent posts had to be a thank you card, not just because your mum is probably going to make you write a load of them on boxing day, and you really should. I wanted to post a thank you note today, to say thank you to you, anyone who has read… View Post

Still stuck on those last few Christmas gifts? Feeling uninspired, or running low on cash? I’ve got you covered, with my top 5 DIY gifts. I’m not going to lie, these aren’t as easy as just buying someone a box of chocolates but they are a lot more thoughtful. TERRARIUM Everyone loves some greenery in… View Post

So the big day is coming up, and if you’re hosting, you’ve probably got a lot on your to do list. That’s where this festive day planner comes into its own to help you stay on top of everything and still have time to enjoy yourself. Download the calm here    

If you’ve got a fiddly little something you’re struggling to wrap, this gift box is here to save the day. Just print out the pdf onto some card or thick paper, cut it out and fold the sides in. Then you can either stick the curved sides to the inside of the box or just… View Post